Point-like Objects in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are (one standard deviation figures):

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Parallax Radial Velocity Variable?
  (deg) (deg) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)  
P06210 0.027 13.266 1.76e-171.26e-178.02e-18 -0.000 3.13 Light Curve
P00225 0.102 13.283 1.94e-161.12e-165.78e-17 -0.000 3.16 No
P04233 18.154 40.013 1.18e-131.10e-137.98e-14 0.068 0.43 No
P00828 25.528 35.974 5.60e-133.31e-131.79e-13 0.026 1.03 No
P05441 34.879 20.363 6.90e-136.02e-133.89e-13 0.118 -0.17 Light Curve
P00472 34.759 40.695 1.66e-128.89e-134.64e-13 0.031 0.92 No
P04193 39.260 43.939 1.19e-149.79e-156.71e-15 0.015 1.40 Light Curve
P01953 39.556 38.443 1.60e-151.31e-159.09e-16 0.083 0.05 No
P04698 39.891 43.616 1.97e-141.74e-141.24e-14 0.025 1.07 No

Fuzzy Things in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are:

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Size Radial Velocity
  (deg) (deg) (W/m^2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)